DKVC Group is the result of 15 years experiencing social, environmental, economical and industrial worlds.
We have been leading synergies, solutions and performance over five continents. Just like mother nature does : rethinking each and every local ecosystem so everything and everyone finds a role in it and the environment buds thanks to the synergies.
Our creative actions serves sustainable and independent actors in Real Estate, International Trading, Blockchain, and the Industry.
We accompagny private and public actors in their investments, value-creation and operations.
Our Real Estate and Construction experts shape the best oppotunities to invest and grow efficiently your properties fleet.
DKVC gives a structure to your dreams of expansion: we offer turn key solutions to grow your business abroad.
Administrative, logistics, sales,… let’s work together on sharing your talents to new communities.
Involved in developing sustainable, independant and even-handed solutions, DKVC promotes the Blockchain.
Let’s give your business and investments the tools they need to be faster and stronger.
Heavy industry comes with the development of fundamental methods, bringing efficiency, reliability and sustainability.
Make a proper use of it, they will be the key to your new successes.
DKVC is working with first choice and long term collaborators, to provide the best performance to each and every project.
Surrounded by efficient partners we shape the most creative and ambitious projects. Strarting from a blank page is usual.
Our DNA drives us and our clients to innovative, efficient and fundamentals based solutions, including but not limited to:
Real estate investments
Strategy, value creation through renovation, transformation & exploitation
International trading
Business strategy & development, country settlement, operations & administrative management
Blockchain operations
Offering your business a step into the decentralized democracy, with fantastic oportunities to develop and manage funds, contracts and operations
Industrial developments
Be accompanied by Industry leaders to give to your business and processes the most efficient and reliable practices